The 1 to 2 second rule: Sucker Error and Scientific Authorities

stopwatchA common sucker-error of modern training and behavior starts at the lowest level of understanding. Here’s a question that any trainer should be able to answer concisely.

From the moment a behavior occurs, how long do I have to present a tangible reward or punishment? You may have heard all kinds of statements about this and here are some examples that are common among modern “scientific” dog training and behavior experts. These are examples of smart, highly educated people who are anything but experts on this topic. That’s because they are exactly wrong in their statements. No, it’s not me saying they are wrong just to criticize them. It is reality that exposes their error. At the end of the article you, too, will know they are wrong based on your own experience.
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Waldo and Clicker Training:

092614_1833_WaldoandCli2.jpgTo quote the great behaviorist, Ogden R. Lindsley, “You must remember that the box is not there to keep the animal in, it’s there to keep the world out.” The ‘box’ he was referring to was an ‘operant chamber’ – an enclosure designed specifically for one type of experiment. This is the mainstay of behavioral scientists. When you hear the term “learning theory” this is the context of all their research and conclusions. Here’s why that model doesn’t work in the real world – they intentionally lock the real world out of their research. Only a devotion to the world around you will yield dependable knowledge. Here’s a topic that is a great example of how a broad view of behavior can give you a better understanding of how it works – four ways an animal learns to identify unique events.
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OCD, Chloe and a crack in the fence at a baseball game:

ChloejumpNote: This is an article from my column printed in Groomer to Groomer. It assumes the reader is a groomer.

So, you have a client with a dog that paces and licks the floor 30-40 minutes every hour. What do you say? “Get thee to a vet.” My question is simple – why would you say that? In modern parlance, this dog, let’s call her Chloe, is displaying a condition known as obsessive compulsive disorder – OCD. You can see her here:

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My Biggest Fear and Safety, Safety, Safety.

A few years after I got married, my mother showed my mother-in-law, Opal, my baby book. Soon, Opal came running up to me and asked, “I bet you don’t know what your biggest fear was when you were three?” I instantly replied, “dogs.” She stood shocked for a second. “You remember that?” she asked. I think my answer surprised her. “Do you think I’d be likely to forget it?”

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Really, really rescuing dogs: Splasher’s extraordinary adventure

For 15 years I had a rescue dog. Most likely, you do not. You probably have a surplus dog. Surplus dogs are in shelters and most often incorrectly-identified “rescue” organizations. They exist because there are not enough homes to go around. Rescue dogs are at risk of tangible and immediate injury and death unless someone…here’s the appropriate word…rescues them. That’s how I met Splasher.

He had fallen in one of the large irrigation canals that lace the greater Phoenix area and was in the process of drowning. The walls of these canals are steep and made of rough concrete. Crawling out of one is impossible for a dog and I could see blooding marks on the far bank to show where this dog had ripped his nails in a futile effort to get out. I decided to help him. I had my dog Tuggy with me who was recovering from surgery and not in the best of shape. So I un-slipped his leash and made a wild-west lasso out of it. I got on my belly and called the dog. He didn’t want to have anything to do with me. He was a street dog. Look at those piercing eyes. He kept circling in the current. Continue reading