I never met a _______ I liked.

I have never met a Komondor I liked. All two of them. I have met many Pit Bulls that I liked. Two of the best examples of my work in my entire career are Pit Bulls. However, if every Pit Bull on the planet disappeared tomorrow it wouldn’t bother me all that much. Komondors too… and rescued racing Greyhounds…and a rather long list of dogs I don’t fancy for a variety of reasons. It’s not that I wouldn’t work with them or think they should be banned or actually removed from the planet – they simply aren’t my favorites. Pit Bulls are stigmatized in public. Whether that is justified or not isn’t my point. Their reputation can make my job more difficult. Racing Greyhounds are often very quiet dogs that are not as dynamic as I prefer. The only Komondors I worked with were both dangerous dogs. Making a determination about a breed from two dogs is stupid – so call me stupid. When I see that third one I will treat it objectively and have my spidey-senses on high alert until it proves it’s a nice doggie. Continue reading